P005 → Reincarnation of ego to superego
Disability can be understood as the manifestation of a fundamental lack or failure in the body-mind complex, which
results in a compromised ability to engage with the world. This lack or loss may take different forms, but it often involves disrupting the usual flow of bodily and mental processes that allows one to engage in everyday activities.
In the popular imagination, disability is often associated with fear or pity, as it represents a departure from the normative ideal of a fully functioning human being. For those who live with a disability, the quest for wholeness and completeness can be a powerful motivator. In seeking to compensate for what they lack, they often develop a deep appreciation for the value of different modes of experience and ways of being in the world. This can lead to heightened sensitivity and awareness due to the lack of body parts; the heart of the disabled is the purest and most fragile because what they seek is just an experience of being a completely living
Ultimately, the experience of disability can be transformative, as it forces one to confront the limits and possibilities of the body and mind and to develop a unique sense of self that transcends conventional notions of ability and disability. When one finds a way to live fully and authentically despite these limitations, they may experience a profound sense of rebirth and liberation as their reincarnation of ego to superego.
Design & Photograph by me